Of course I’ve had nice things
done for me.
So why is it that sometimes it hits
me hard and surprises me to no end!?
Now I love being the one on the giving end
of a gift. Be it big or small.
Or maybe even the one offering a nice gesture. I
love to be on that side and be the one to bring on the surprise. Love
But when I‘m on the recipient
side it get’s a little weird _hard for me to accept.
I’m sure I need counseling
or something I know. But I never feel like I deserve whatever niceness is
bestowed upon me and usually find myself shocked that someone would be so nice
or thoughtful towards me.
Here is the other thing. I’m
not always surprised or overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude for something
done for me though. For instance, my husband does lots of small nice things for
me within a day and I’m not perplexed by it. If I’m honest, I probably even
take them for granted some. Because I know that he loves me and wants to help
me. We want to help each other. And maybe that’s it. Maybe when someone does
something so over the top nice it makes me realize that they must have wanted
to make me feel special_ to brighten my day_ to help_ or to let me know I was
being thought of.
Lately I’ve had a few over the
top nice things given to me and I have been overwhelmed by them. I find myself almost
in a state of being broken by it. And let me say you will probably laugh when
you hear the acts of kindness. But to me they meant so much.
The first happened this weekend
when I went away for a craft weekend with some of the most wonderful ladies. I
have a lot to say about this weekend and what I took away but that's coming later.
Anyway, I had talked with the
girls on the drive up about how stinkin' cute Targets new line of coffee mugs are.
Like I want them all. But one of my fave's was the motel one and I had shared
that with them. Well I wake up the first morning there and go to get my coffee
and we see a sign hanging above the coffee pot that reads “ good morning ladies.
enjoy your coffee in a mug of your choice”. There sat my Motel mug amongst 9
other mugs. I did a little squeal when I spotted it. the squeal kind of faded
into a groan or maybe a growl sound after I saw the paper sticking out if it that also said ”reserved for”. But as I got closer and looked inside I saw it
read “reserved for heather?” Now I’m
about to let loose at this point and really do some squealing waking up the
whole cabin. I couldn’t even believe it. I seriously was thinking
in my head who’s the other heather….haha…

Then yesterday I’m sitting
working away when the UPS man drops off a package on the front step. It said Scentsy
and I immediately thought it must be a mistake. Like for my neighbor or
something. But when I read it clearly it had my name and address printed on the
I opened it to find a handsome little owl that is going to make my home smell so yummy. Like pear caramel
crisp. I wanted to cry. I kinda did a little. So sweet. So thoughtful. So
generous of the 2 ladies that went in together to send it to me.
2 things I’m learning. Don’t
ever underestimate no matter how little or small you may think something will
mean to someone else. We can’t determine that and it just may mean so much more
than you or we could ever imagine. Truly it just may be the Lord using us in greater
ways than we could understand. And secondly, it’s not hard for me to accept and
know that the lord loves me and wants to bless me. Sometimes anyway,,,,TO
receive what he has for me. So I need to start receiving it through my friends.
Through others. And believing that someone just may be thinking about me and
want to surprise the pa-tooty out of me.
So who woulda thought that a
stinkin' cute coffee mug and a handosme little smell good owl would bring about
such emotion. Sometimes it’s in
the smallest gesture that means so much.
Thank you ladies for being so
kind. The Lord used you in my life.
Love you girls.

linking up with jami for "we encourage tuesday"