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Monday, August 8, 2011

Birthday re-cap

We have a little system every year that we do with our kids_
one year they have a big to-do birthday party_ where they invite friends_ 
they choose where they want their party, etc_ 
and the next year we don't have a big to-do party. 
We still have whoever is around (neighbor friends, family if here) over to eat cake & ice cream, 
sing, open their gifts from us.. but what we normally would spend in paper products, 
decorations, having a party somewhere etc. we just use towards their gift on this year.

This is the year for parties and we actually got started on Thursday. 
We all went bowling (b/c we bought the summer package at the start of summer) 
and then we went and ate pizza afterwards. On Saturday, his actual birthday, we opened gifts_ 
sang_ I cooked the meal of his choice_ and we had cake. He is so easy... but with the girls, 
there's a little more to it... you know what I mean.?

And yes, I bought sport's themed paper products for him..because 
1. he doesn't care what we eat on and 
2. I know it's probably the last year he will let me buy napkins with sports ball's on them. 

For his dinner he picked pork chops, mashed potatoes, and onion rings... 
the pork chops are dipped in butter and then rolled in corn flakes. 
My kids love them and they fight over who gets the pan at the end..they all want the crumbs.

Then as we were getting ready for bed.. the girls, I noticed, had been scheming. 
When Gray went to get his shower they hung notes all in his room_ 
on his curtains_ his dresser_ the wall. I thought it was super cute and thoughtful...
Youngest said " you rock even though I am mean to you, i still love you"

They got embarrassed as he started to read them aloud..

Do you have any unique or fun ideas you do for your kids on their birthday's? 
I would love to know... 

Linking up with heather for

& Carissa for 

Heather :)


  1. awww the notes from the girls melted my heart! That is so sweet!! I love the idea of the parties every other year! And btw what kind of camera do you have? You take amazing shots

    PS I am going to try the pork chops!

  2. That is so sweet that the girls left notes for him!

  3. I just think it's so cute that you still do the plates/napkins sports theme thing cause it gives me hope that I still have a while with my boy ;) So cute. You and your family. Gosh, just forget your closing/moving and move to Texas!

  4. LOVE the notes-so sweet!!! I love the idea of that!!

  5. I can't wait until my little one is old enough to understand birthdays. Good job Mom.

  6. this looks like such a delicious birthday.

    and loving the every other year thing....brilliant.

  7. Love the decorating! I always stay up after the kids go to bed and do the decorating for their birthdays so they can wake up to a celebration. Love that your girls wrote notes. Totally have to save those!

  8. love it!! the cupcakes and the light garland are my fave:)

  9. Great party! We don't do big parties. It's not my gift. Hahaha
    Those notes are adorable!
