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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Well it's kinda wordless....
Here's a sneak peek into our Christmas pictures for this year.
We did them ourselves... by ourselves meaning we brought the tripod and set the timer on the camera. And... can you say "hard work". Omgoodness to set the camera_ run around & get in place_ make sure your hair isn't all crazy_ quick give your face pose_ tell the kids to smile & don't move_ all while trying not to trip in your heels that are sticking into the dirt...work_ but worth it!;)



  1. They look so good! I am impressed! :)

  2. I have to say that they look professional. Good work! You guys are adorable.

  3. YOU are beautiful!!! And so is your precious family. Love you friend.

  4. you took these with a tripod?!?!? you are amazing heather, I can't wait to see the final card!

  5. great job! I really love the ones on the train tracks.....what a good looking family!

  6. so fun ... and love all your new design work!

  7. Aghh!! They look great! And I love your new button!
    (I'll miss that blue couch though! It felt like family)

  8. LOVE the pic of all of you on the tracks...awe..some!

  9. Gorgeous pics! I'd love to have some of my family that look like these. We are always a bit.. well... disheveled... lol

    New follower! April
