So many trips and things that have happened within the past few weeks. So many things that I need to write about.
But instead of over thinking it I'm going to jump in by getting started with Saturday.
Hubs gets a new company car ever so many miles and they called and said his new one was in. The cool gadgets_ programming the radio stations_ and getting the settings all worked out. Well it seemed like a good excuse to get it out on the road. You know, to get that all figured out.
So we drove up and down hills with all the changing of colors and leaves just a swirling as we went. The countryside and pureness of beauty all around for an impromptu trip to the Smoky Mountains.
We played in the leaves and jumped off logs.
We stopped by streams....and took in the water rushing over the rocks.
That's always one of my favorite things to see.
These logs were some of the greatest. They actually looked camo colored.
The bark on each one was so different and unique.
We stopped to listen to some pickin'.
Until oldest_ youngest_ and myself decided to go through Ripley's Believe It or Not.
We learned about the tallest man.
And got to touch & move a marble ball that is suspended and held up only by water.
Played some in the crazy mirror. Or maybe I played some in the crazy mirror.
Meanwhile, Jode and middle were enjoying a ride up the mountain on the SkyLift together. Their were only 2 allowed to a seat which meant if we all would've rode somebody had to sit alone. So we opted out while they went ahead. Middle was beaming from ear to ear. She was so happy and so proud to get to do it.
Then we ended the day treating the kids to a meal for their first time at the Hard Rock Cafe.
We actually ate in the chapel area. To which we were told it is the only chapel in the world in a Hard Rock Cafe. It was a circle and had white curtains hung around that opened & closed. People actually get married there and it's also where they set the bands up to play.
The kids just wanted to know where all the Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber stuff was.
These impromptu trips always seem to work out really well for us. There's not a lot of time
to think about what we should wear or what we're going to do when we get there? We just go. And we go with the flow. And for us it always just seems to work.
Kinda like it did this weekend. My heart is full....