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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's your birthday

I'm not going to go super mushy gushy or anything but I do want to tell my man, who turns 35 today, how awesome he is. He is the best of the best, I love him, and I can't wait to celebrate his birthday today and every year to come. For God to have put us together, I am truly blessed.
All he wanted for his b-day was for me to make him a cheesecake cause' you know, it's his favorite. Only thing, I've never made a cheesecake before. So I'll have to post later on how things turn out. This could be really good or it could go really bad....just have to wait and see, I guess.
Happy, Happy Birthday!! Love you so much. Oh, and he's not just getting a cake. The kids and I have a surprise for him too.

Heather :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

a Lil' Easter Photo Shoot

We bought a new camera a few months back and it has definitely been worth the money. I'm learning things with it all the time and can't seem to get enough! Plus when you have subjects like these who could get enough. I could eat'em....

Heather :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

i Heart Yellow

So I purchased an old funky brass lamp at Goodwill awhile back for $5. You know the kind that you see at every thrift store. I've kinda been obsessed with lamps lately. Oh, like last month I got the cutest little, green, fat, and squaty one at a consignment store for $10. Only to open the back of my car and have it roll out and break into a zillion pieces. I'm fighting back the urge to cry, but realize that there are 3 sets of eyes staring at me to see how I'm going to react to this, obviously, tragic occurrence. And for heavens sake it's just a lamp, I know. In the big scheme of things I know this and it's a material thing...yadayada but it was probably "the find" of the year. You know the one that everyone sees and is like "where did you get that from and you kinda smile on the inside cause' they can't get one and neither can you. Because it was "the one" and you found it at a consignment store and there are no more. For some reason if it's found at a thrift store or whatever it just is so much more special, right.
I forgot to take  "before" pics of my brass find so these will have to do.

You get the idea though, right?
To.. now my little brass lamp looks like.....

I luv it so much I could eat it (that's my term for something that is so great you know if you could eat it it would be so good). With some yellow spray paint and a little glaze my ugly ole' brass is now one of my most fav things in our home. Have you ever found that thing that was ugly to everyone else but to you was it was perfect. You could see past it's ugliness to what it could what it could become. Kinda I have to think that's how Jesus sees us. He sees past all of our ugliness or our "yellow"..thank goodness. So the next time you see brassiness when you look in the mirror think about how yellow you really are. I'm going to try to.

Heather :) 

Friday, April 15, 2011

I Missed My Dad Today

Ever had one of those days where you miss someone who's gone? Well today was one of those days for me. It comes without warning. It may be a song that I hear, or that distinct smell that he had, or someone I meet with his name, or the person who's mannerisms are so much like his that all I can do is stare. It comes fast but always lingers a little before leaving. My thoughts of him are less frequent now after 5 years. The pain is no longer the hard stinging kind but now a sweet pain. One where I can with tear filled eyes smile and just wonder. I wonder about so many things with him. How he didn't share so many things with us that we would have loved to have known...and I wonder. How he accomplished so many things he worked so very hard for. Did he know how proud of him we were? How he couldn't show his emotions but I bared my all for fear of it being our last. There are things I know in life but there is so much I do not know. I do not know why his life was done & over at the age of 54. But I do know I serve a God who does know, so I don't have to... and that is freeing. For I have found freedom in not having to carry a weight of knowing. For me, I trust & obey & walk...and at the end of the day that's always enough.

Heather :) 

Monday, April 11, 2011

The First of Many

Woohoo! This blog is up and running..finally! After long hours of trying to figure it out and trying everything to get it right. Oh, and my husband a lot. It's done....
My goal here is to document our life as a family and to have something for my kids to keep.

Let me back up a bit. 1st Confession ~ I absolutely luv blogs and lately there have been so many that have inspired me to do this. 2nd Confession ~ I'm afraid, kinda. Why? Because I have a tendency to hold things in, to not put myself out there all the way, right away. You know like I have to test the waters. But I'm over it, so here is a quote from a blogger I adore: "life passes us by in a blink of an eye. People can know our story or it can get lost."(the nato's) What if you could give your kids a journal of your life that they could read over and over again and then...perhaps pass down to their kids?

After reading this quote I was convinced. I want my Gray, Gab, & KK to know how each day I thought out what meal I would cook for them, how their dad provided for them daily, how much joy they brought us, how their dad has loved me unconditionally and been the best man ever, and how much we love Jesus and are trying to follow Him. 
My hope is that this will not only be a place to share about our life but that I can also share what makes my heart start to beat a little faster.

Thriftin', photography(although I haven't a clue what I'm doing), fashion on a budget,
blogs, music, coffee, sweets(like anything sweet, really), 
and being creative are a few of the things that make it start to race.

So here's to my first blog entry with many more to come!
I can't wait!:)  
