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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Goodwill hunting

Ok. so I made my every_2 week_trip to Goodwill and here are my finds.
The mirror was an immediate no brainer_ I knew that I wanted it. Hubs hasn't hung it yet because it weighs like 20 pounds or lie. It's massively heavy.

This next piece(the hutch) was one I left_ drove around_ called hubs to try and talk me out of it _only he said "go get it" _so I did. That was my cue because if he's like "no, you don't need that, or are you sure?" then I usually question myself and know I probably should just pass.

It was $50 and I can't easily justify spending that flippantly..but I know this is one of those pieces for me that I will treasure. The back piece covered with the old wallpaper had me_that and the etched design on the's got character_ it's like it tells a story when you see it.

Versus this is what it looked like with the old hutch sitting on it... nothings wrong with it. But it's just plain ole' bought out of the storeroom and it's quite a bit smaller. oh, and this is the only picture I could find of the "before" hutch so bare with me and don't panic it's not Christmas yet. We still have 5 months to go... I was so excited to see if it would fit that we took the top off before I could snap a picture.

Hubs is going to help me paint both pieces to match_ But I need your suggestions & any input on what you think I should do..  if you've seen a really cute one send me a link or maybe you've re-done a piece yourself. I would so love & appreciate you for it.

Here's some inspiration I've found so far..I'm thinking maybe a Shabby Chic grey/blue color:

Or this piece is from the Nester. I have a lot of green in my living maybe green?:

Image from Pinterest

That was what I found while hunting at our local Goodwill...don't you just luv a good find?. :)

Heather :)


  1. that hutch is gorgeous! what a fantastic find. :)

  2. LOVE the hutch and mirror... good job! :)

  3. the heaviness of the frame means it has "good bones" totally worthy!

    and that hutch? i am SO glad you got it. what a GREAT find. I think you got quite a steal with that one. amazing.

  4. That hutch is a great find! i am in need of a trip to the thrift store!

  5. okay i love that your hub told you to go back and get it, that is awesome! great finds! i don't know what the rest of your decor looks like but i think it would be fun to paint it a great bright accent aqua, yellow, green. i vote go for it!!

  6. yay! another good will hunter! I usually go once a week because its a block from my house...I always go with an open mind and try to envision painting something, sanding it, etc!! LOVE LOVE that mirror!! you scored!!

  7. Love it :) can't wait to see what you come up with. Lydia found her a mirror too at a flea market yesterday.. She is thrilled. Yours is a beauty :)

  8. that hutch is AHHH-MAZING. i want to go goodwilling with you... i never find anything THAT good. your inspirations for it are beautiful.

  9. I just adore that hutch!!! What an amazing find! I think shabby chic would be perfect!

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE a good sale! Your JOY just shines! I love it!

  11. You win the award for best finds at the Goodwill! Beautiful...everything!

  12. Another couple of great sites for inspiration are the Frosted Gardener and Better After. Great ideas on both sites!

  13. aww thanks for linking up friend....that hutch IS amazing! It makes such a statement in the room...great job!
