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Monday, January 30, 2012

To Dance or Not?

Middle had a "First" Friday night... her first school dance.
You would have thought it was like the Senior prom. It was that big.
And i get it bc I remember being there. The hair had to be just so and the outfit just right.
Only it wasn't just right at the beginning. She really had her heart set on another top she wanted to wear but they winded up selling out. At the last minute we had to scramble and make things work.
But we made it work and at the end of the night i think she would have told you it turned out more 
than just alright.

To my girls:
Being at this 5th grade dance made me think about some things
that i need you to know_

 don't worry so much about what others think of you. 
I know it seems hard but if you like it, wear it. 
When you're comfortable with who you are and what you like,
others will be too. 
You're beautiful not only to me and dad but to Jesus. 
And not bc of any outfit you could ever put on or hairdo you could ever style up.... you’re beautiful bc you’re you.
Believe it and never forget it.

Sometimes life will throw you a curveball of disappointment but know
that it is making you into the woman you are going to be. 
You will be stronger bc of it and better able to handle things that are thrown your way in life.

Don't ever look down or make fun of anyone...never exclude,
always include. 
Even it's not the popular thing to do, it's the right thing to do.

And dance girls bc it's fun and it doesn't matter if someone's watching you. 
They're watching bc fun looks good. 
And you won't have the opportunity to do this again no matter how many times you may wish you could. So dance.. so that at the end of the night you have no regrets.

And when you see me look at you all teary eyed or taking a ga-zillion pictures know that you have a momma that's so proud of you i can't help but have it spill over into my eyes. The only way i can stop time briefly is by snapping a few more pictures of you that way I have no regrets.

i love you my girls, momma.


  1. Amen! I love this, it is so encouraging. Great stuff!;) I wish I could tell my 5th grade self these things.

  2. That was just lovely. I wish we could stop time just for a bit too..... Your photos are precious.

  3. You are a good mother and teaching them some great truths. We need to continue the consistency of letting them know who they are and that they are loved. I'm not scared for the dances to start..bring them on. I think I will be having as much fun as they are. Your girls are darling and your 5th grader looked BEAUTIFUL!

  4. Great post. Love your hair color.

  5. you are such a wonderful, encouraging mama!

  6. awww i still remember my first dance!! so cute.

    Classic & Bubbly

  7. So so beautiful...your daughters are blessed to have you as their mom. What heartfelt and inspiring words!

  8. so sweet! and what good advice! I could take that to heart myself. your family is beautiful!

  9. you are such an amazing mother to your beautiful kids!!

  10. i love it:) a little teary reading it. its great that you wrote it for your girls but i stole it and read it to myself! it was something i needed to hear myself and im a long ways older than a fifth grade dance. i pray your girls learn those lesson more quickly than i have!

  11. Oh my gosh that is so sweet. You are beautiful too. And I'm glad out school doesn't have a fifth grade dance!

  12. what a sweet post! I hope I am as strong as can't breath sometimes just thinking about kindergarten!

  13. Found your blog from the blogging party!! I totally remember my middle school dances. so much pressure!! it's so funny to look back on them now, thanks for the reminder!

  14. you are such a great mama. always encouraged and inspired by you. xo

  15. What a wonderful post. I"m a new reader...follow you on instagram but just found your blog. SO WONDERFUL! Your girls are lucky to have you!
